It took Thomas Edison 10,000 attempts until he invented the light-bulb. But with thousands of light bulb manufactures. Plumen is one of the few manufactures that got it right!
Compact Fluorescent lamps, or CFL's, are commonly known to be "ugly". With anything ugly a designer does what a designer does best. Make something beautiful. This is where the dynamic duo at Plumen; British designer Samuel Wilkinson and product design company Hulger together created the Plumen 001. They imaginatively sculpted and redesign the compact fluorescent light-bulb.

Low-energy light bulbs have never been regarded as a stylish product, the Plumen addresses this by creating an aesthetic bulb which works just like any low-energy bulb. By bending the glass tubes of a light bulb, Plumen have designed a product that uses 80% less energy and lasts eight times longer than an incandescent bulb. Compared with the standard fluorescent light, Plumen 001 is a beautiful light bulb designed to be seen.
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